
Ευκαιρίες Καριέρας


Η Ιατρική Φροντίδα Ζακύνθου ως μια ταχύτατα αναπτυσσόμενη εταιρία, επιζητά συνεργάτες φιλόδοξους, δυναμικούς και άρτια καταρτισμένους. Επιπλέον, προσφέρει θερινά προγράμματα πρακτικής άσκησης σε φοιτητές και νέους πτυχιούχους που επιθυμούν να διευρύνουν τις γνώσεις τους και να αποκτήσουν πολύτιμη εργασιακή εμπειρία.

Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μπορούν να στείλουν το βιογραφικό τους σημείωμα στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: info@zantemedcare.gr.


Μαρτυρία πρακτικής άσκησης

Grace Smith
Last summer I did a seven week internship with Zante Medical Care as a second year nursing student. The experience was incredible! The staff were all so welcoming, friendly and keen to teach. I was based at the medical centre in the centre of Laganas, however staff also facilitated trips to the other medical centres across the island. There were so many learning opportunities including: emergency care, wound care, sutures, administering intravenous medication, orthopaedics and sexual health. It really opened my eyes to the dangers of extreme alcohol intoxication and how to treat these patients which is a skill needed in any UK A&E! I would really recommend doing an internship with Zante Medical Care as it was a once in a life time experience on a beautiful island where I learnt so much! Thank you to all the amazing staff who made my internship so special!"


Holly Clarke

Myself and the girls thoroughly enjoyed our time spent with the team at Zante Medical Care. We were made to feel very welcome and learnt a lot from the nurses and doctors. We really appreciated all of the support and guidance from everyone, thank you!

Best wishes


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